Friday, August 29, 2008

Elegance by Eé Lise is Heading to the Tonner Halloween Convention

Elegance by Eé lise is taking a big step this year at the Tonner Halloween Convention. You will find Elegance by Eé Lise designs in the sales room with all the other big sellers. In bold move by marketing, Elegance by Eé Lise hopes to increase its exposure. After consulting valued marketing advisors, Culshaw made this daring decision. Production has stepped up to meet the deadline as new designs are rolling off the drafting table. The staff of Elegance by Eé Lise have expressed excitement regarding this decision saying, " We are ready and the time is right for the move." Culshaw feels confident in her staff and the designs coming off the design table. Culshaw was heard to say, "I am hoping that we will also have something ready in September for the MDC Convention. I haven't given up yet."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Elegance by Eé Lise is Making an Appearance

Yes, finally Elegance by Eé Lise is making a major appearance on the national market place. Although the company has been in existence for 9 years, it is only this year that Elegance by Eé Lise has made an impact on the national market. The first 3 years of its infancy, Elegance by Eé Lise was located in Sydney, Australia. However in 2002, Elegance by Eé Lise was moved to the USA and located in Panama City , Florida. After several initial setbacks in the US getting the company set up and remaining dormant until 2005, Elegance by Eé Lise developed a strong local following. It has now started receiving national recognition for its detailed designs and professional work.